The common belief of single Hebrew Israelite men or single Hebrew Israelite women:
- Mostly the single Hebrew Israelite men and single Hebrew Israelite women believe that the first five books of Christian bible like Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers and Torah (Law) must be observed. Their common faith includes circumcision, feast, weekly Shabbat, tithes, consecration, eating clean food, fasting, offerings and celebration of the new moon.
- They have faith that Yahwashi, Yeshu, Yashsua who is known as Jesus in Christianity is the prophesied prophet by Moses. The single Hebrew Israelite men or women believe that he was a Jew who was the son of Judah; he was a great teacher; he never taught against Torah; He called him as the son of the father and the Ahayah called him his son. He can alive the dead in 3 days and come to teach the ignorant people of Israel.
- Most single Hebrew Israelite women and men believe that the creator of the world is Ahayah Asher Ahayah or Ahayah. He is considered as God of Israel.
- Most single Hebrew Israelite men and women that baptism should be done by using water.
- Most single Hebrew Israelite women and men believe that Europeans or white men are the descendants of the Israel brother Esau. He is also called as Edom. They have the faith that in the end days The Highest reserved punishment for the Esau children for enslaving he Hebrew Israelites.
- The single Hebrew Israelite men and women believe that marriage is a connection in between a woman and man.
- All the single Hebrew Israelite men and women are not black. They believe that the black Hebrew Israelites is not an appropriate term but it is only an indication because mostly Hebrew Israelites are originally black.
- Most single Hebrew Israelite women and men do not call them self as Jewish because this term is used to define the sort of Jew or the people who follow the Judaism. But they do not follow it.
- Most of the single Hebrew Israelite men and women do not support the marriage between Israelites and gentiles. (Israelites include Hispanics, Native American, Seminole Indian and Negroes) (Gentile includes the non Israelite).
- Most the single Hebrew Israelite men and women believe that the Israel will be again a nation.
- They have faith that the Africans, Arabs and European work together to save the House of Judah.
- Most the single Hebrew Israelite men and women believe that they are a complete nation with a proper lifestyle. So, it’s not a religion which they follow its a complete tradition.
- Most the single Hebrew Israelite women and men reject Quran, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, homosexuality.
- The single Hebrew Israelite women and men also do not accept transgenders
- They do not want a comparison with Christians.
- Most the single Hebrew Israelite men and women believe that they are the descendant of the 12 tribes of Israel and the scattered tribes.
- According to the most Hebrew Israelite website the Native Indians were also called as Native Americans they were exiled by the Assyrian King Salmanasar in a ship. Within one year they move to the place which is now called as America. So, before it they lived in another place.
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